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Developer tools are now rising allowing programmers to now choose software they are comfortable with to assist them during the development and testing process. I highlight some for you below.


Recently, I used a tool called PhoneGap, which combines a focus on pure JavaScript and HTML for phones.


If your business is building large-scale applications in which plenty of data will be processed, the Hadoop framework is equipped to process this together with Hive, which is file system that executes the SQL-like queries.


Eclipse is a fine IDE for building and debugging java applications, and can be used while building a website.


The NetBeans IDE, which works fast and well with multiple languages, expands its C/C++ capabilities with some new features and enables unit testing in PHP.


OpenStreetMap is open source version of popular mapping services.


With these developer tools, programmers can do more to achieve top software or websites with minimal effort.


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